| 1. | Effect of electroacupuncture on nos expression in locus ceruleus in rats 电针对大鼠蓝斑一氧化氮合酶阳性神经元表达的影响 |
| 2. | And their tears are filling up their glasses , no expression , no expression 此刻他们的眼眶中充满泪水,没有表情,一脸茫然。 |
| 3. | In this layer sense , there can be no expression of an in - depth self - americans 在这层意义上讲,没有宣泄的产生就不可能有深入的自我剖白。 |
| 4. | The child was fairly eating me up with her cold , steady eyes , and no expression on her face whatever 这个孩子用她那冷漠而镇定的目光目不转睛地盯着我,脸上没有任何表情。 |
| 5. | Each expression returns a value that depends only on the operands of the expression , and no expression has any side effects 每个表达式仅根据其操作数来返回值,并且都不会产生副作用。 |
| 6. | It can return a null reference nothing in visual basic , indicating that no expression has been set that describes the object 它可能会返回空引用(在visual basic中为nothing ) ,指示尚未设置描述该对象的表达式。 |
| 7. | This transformation also provides a default output , so that if a row matches no expression it is directed to the default output 此转换还提供默认输出,因此如果某个行与任何表达式都不匹配,则它将被定向到默认输出。 |
| 8. | If no expression could be created and no suitable serializer could be found , an error will be reported through the serialization manager 如果无法创建表达式并且找不到适用的序列化程序,则将通过序列化管理器报告错误。 |
| 9. | Compared with much high expression between brain and gonad in the kidney of female fish , the male fish had no expression of aromatase brain type 雌鱼肾脏中也有很高水平的表达(介于脑与性腺之间) ,而在雄鱼,肾脏中没有表达。 |
| 10. | The static listener gives no feedback , remains relatively motionless , reveals no expression . you wonder , am i not producing sound 毫无反应式。这种听者不给任何反馈,端坐不动,面无表情。你会感到困惑的无法不能解释的原因,我说话有音响吗? |